
This is the official website of the  Possible Local Development Paths of the Sustainable, the Cultural and the Smart City – SUMcity research program, funded by the Harokopio University Special Account for Research Funds, under the 03/05/2018 Harokopio University Administrative Call for Grant Γ-851-2018, ΑΔΑ: ΩΣΨΩ4691ΒΣ-ΘΔΗ.

SUMcity aims to give a comprehensive account of the regeneration that occurred in Athens by the adaptive reuse of the old FIX Brewery to house the new National Museum of Contemporary Art – EMST. Adaptive reuse is an urban sustainability development evolving process, used to manage assets and resources efficiently, resulting in economic development, increased local attraction, tourism, and revitalized community engagement. Other than that, modern societies experience the dynamic stream of social media and smart cities initiatives, amid the long-discussed and complex cultural heritage preservation backdrop. Notwithstanding the value added to the city, the interaction of sustainable development with adaptive reuse projects, culture, tourism, social media use, and smart city initiatives, along with the impact of this intangible relationship, is yet to be set to a more tangible form.